
How are you learning about the most important essential and current concepts of information technology?Computing Essentials 2019 allows you to Make IT Work for You by presenting the effect of information technology on people privacy ethics and our environment. Current examples references and exercises allow students to be successful in understanding today's role of Computer Information Technology. This definitive approach provides the essentials students need while bringing them a full digital solution through Connect. Connect is a teaching and learning platform that is proven to deliver better results for students and instructors. Connect empowers students by continually adapting to deliver precisely what they need when they need it and how they need it so class time is more engaging and effective.O'Leary; Computing Essentials 2019: Make IT Work for You! 课程名称:计算机导论 课程类别:专业基础课 学时/学分:80/4,理论48学时,实验32学时 开设学期:第1学期 开设单位:信息技术与传媒学院 适用专业:计算机科学与技术、网络工程、信息管理与信息系统 《计算机导论》课程是面向高校计算机科学与技术、信息管理与信息系统等专业开设的专业基础必修课程,是中国高校计算机教育MOOC联盟立项建设的2019年度线上线下混合式教学改革项目。课程全面介绍计算机科学技术学科体系结构、学科形态、核心概念以及研究方法等,阐述计算机科学各专业的知识结构和培养方向,引导学生进入计算机科学学习的大门。 课程主要内容包括学科的背景,专业培养目标及发展,计算机学科的知识结构、核心思想、计算机硬件基础、计算机软件基础、计算机运算与编码基础、计算机网络基础与因特网等相关知识。采用英文影印版教材、双语教学模式。上课过程中教师采用全英文的课件,在视觉上刺激学生掌握英文的术语和内容,讲授采用中英文结合的方式,同时强化实践环节,提高学生实践能力。课程设计着眼于原理与应用的结合,培养学生计算思维能力。
